
Baron strawberry smoothie with mint

To je lahek napitek, ki daje energijo in ustvarja dobro voljo. Svežini mete in vabljivi ljubkosti jagod dajejo poseben pečat slamice. Naredimo jih iz stebel angelike, rastline, ki bolj kot z videzom navdušuje s svojimi lastnostmi in vsestransko uporabnostjo. Napitek za barona!

This light beverage provides energy and elevates the spirit. Special straws are used to enhance the freshness of mint and sweetness of strawberries. They are made from stems of the angelica plant, which is impressive more due to its versatility than its appearance. A proper beverage for a baron!

Ingredients to serve four:

  • • 200 grams fresh strawberries
  • • 400 ml water
  • • a handful of fresh mint leaves
  • • brown sugar or honey (optional)
  • • Angelica stems

Place strawberries, water, mint leaves and sugar in a blender and mix until liquid. Pour into glasses, optionally add ice cubes and serve with angelica stems.

 Prepared by organic farm Uranjek.

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