

Ingredients: 1 kg soft or sharp flour 30 g yeast 2 tablespoons sugar 3 –  4 dl milk (if necessary) 1 tablespoon salt 30 – 40 g margarine or 0,5  dl oil Preparation method: Make the leavened dough out of the  ingredients, the even dough should easily separate from hand and the  bowl. Sprinkle the dough with some flour and let it rise in the covered  bowl until it gets two or three times its size. Divide the leavened  dough in parts as big as fist and leave them to rest for a few minutes.  Roll them with your hand into long rolls. Twist two rolls together and  form a “perec” (circle 10 – 12 cm wide). Let it rise on a wooden board  for another half hour. Coat pereci with whisked egg and bake it in hot  baker’s oven for 15 – 20 minutes. Straight pereci are made by rolling up  the roll on a stick (trstika) and baked covered with the egg. Pereci  were once baked only on festive occasions, nowadays they can be found on  the table every day – as a dessert or a side-dish to the sausage plate  or Bograč. If baked in the baker’s oven, their aroma and taste are  unique.

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