
Visoko Pork Roast

Ingredients: 1,5 kg pork cutlet (boneless) carrot or two fat for  roasting 6 lemon slices 2 cloves of garlic bay leaf 6 cloves parsley  pepper cumin salt Preparation: Put the meat on a wooden board with the  backside down. Cut with the knife in the middle of the meat in the inner  side 1cm deep and do it all over it length. Put the salt, pepper, and  sprinkle the cumin. Put the carrots in the gouge, previously cut into  thirds and cocked in salted water. Put the cloves into the meat; cover  the inner side of the meat with the unpeeled halves of the lemon, thin  slices of garlic, parsley and pieces of bay leaf. Wrap up the roulade  with a strong rope. Roast slowly in a roasting tin in the baker’s oven  or in the electric oven. For each kg of meat take one hour and a  quarter.

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